Today we visited U Street and the Lincoln Theatre. Our visit started at the African American Civil War Memorial and a stroll down U Street which was know for great jazz and music back in the era of Dizzy Gillespie, Pearl Baily and other greats who helped U Street to be known as the "Black Broadway. We also go to see the three of the oldest African American businesses in DC including Lees Flowers, Industrial Bank and Ben's Chili Bowl. We also learned about the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee and its role in the Civil Rights Movement.
We also toured the Lincoln Theatre which was restored to its original beauty. We went on stage, and back stage to the dressing rooms where great artist have used before going on stage. We were all excited to know that on of our favorites, and that Kendrick Lamar performed on the same stage we were standing on.
Contributors: Gabrielle, Paige, and Jessica
